A Men’s Health and Wellness Fair
Presented by Ensign Partners Foundation
Promoting Physical, Social, Emotional, Financial and Psychological Health
Supporting Subheading
This Can Be Your Secondary Heading
“High 5” Challenges
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Feature One
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Feature Three
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Feature Two
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Feature Four
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“High 5” Challenges
Physical - Lose Weight, Feel Great
- 27 Million males age 12 and over (20%) struggle with substance abuse
- Challenge - Reach out to 5 people you know who are going through a tough time and offer support
Social - Find a Friend
- 15 Million American Adults are diagnosed with depression each year
- Challenge - Connect with 5 New People in your Community
Emotional - Be a Friend
- 15 Million American Adults are diagnosed with depression each year
- Challenge - Connect with 5 New People in your Community
Financial - Make a Plan
- 65% of Men say Finances are their Biggest Source of Stress
- Challenge - Write down 5 financial goals and act on them
Psychological - Move for Mental Health – 50 Mile Challenge
- 50,000 Adults Die by Suicide Annually in the US
- Challenge - Walk or Run 2 Miles every day for straight 25 days this month!
Saturday, November 2nd
9 am to 11 am
ALA Queen Creek High School – 23908 Hawes Rd Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Food, Education and Fun!
- Pancake breakfast
- Tug of War
- Stick pull challenge
- Dunk Tank
- 25+ Local Businesses Promoting Men’s Health!
- Incredible Raffle Prizes
Admission, Food and Parking are Free